So I'm 6 weeks 1 day pregnant and the baby is the size of a blueberry this week! Thats dating from my last cycle but since I ovulated late it could change. Just to be sure I took another test today!
Yep! Still pregnant! LOL! Just wanted to see how dark it would be. I still have another week before my first doctors appointment. I'm super excited and only get a nervous when I think about having an ultrasound to check for a heartbeat. I'm sure every appointment will be scary until I get the "everything looks great." After my appointment next week we plan on telling people. I would tell now but Matt won't let. Booooo! I thought it would have been awesome to tell everyone at Lyla's birthday last Saturday but got shot down. It would have been great to have a big surprise announcement.
Heres my birthday girl!
Tonight I decided to tell her that I'm having another baby. I didn't want to tell her to soon cause she would probably tell everyone. Heres our talk.
As you can see, I think she's a little confused. We'll just have to work on that. I pray that this baby makes it home. My sweet Lyla will be a great big sister.
Aw, I totally teared up when she said "I'm so glad he's back." What a sweetie.