Monday, August 20, 2012

A Little Birthday Present!

Margarita anyone? Cause my baby is the size of a LIME this week! I'm 10 weeks now and my baby has graduated into a little fetus. Last week we had a second ultrasound done. It was the day before my 29th birthday. Lets just say my 29th was a million times better than Matt's 29th last year. (Day we found out Gabriel would never come home). 
Here's our little one measuring 9weeks at 9w2d. Gain a day of growth since our first ultrasound. Heartbeat was a fast 186 beats per minute. You can see its little arm and leg sticking out. He or she was wiggling them all around. It was so great to see so much of a difference from the previous ultrasound. 

So... Matt and I have decided that we do not want a quad screen or an amnio. The thing is, as hard as it was to carry Gabriel knowing he was dying, I don't regret any of it. I got to spend 30 weeks with him. I'll never forget the night he was moving so much, I laughed and cried at he same time. And, I would do it all over again if I had too. Since I'm skipping the quad screen, theres no need to see the specialist until 16wks. I have an appointment set up for early October (can't remember off the top of my head the date). I believe she will do a level 3 ultrasound (could be wrong) which checks for slight changes and abnormalities in the fetus. It's much longer than a regular one, I'll tell you that!

So life is good at this particular moment. I felt a lot better having having the second ultrasound. Of course, I still can't help but worry. Week 16 needs to hurry up!

My sweet Lyla had her first day of dance class today. After signing up in July she started telling me she didn't want to go. She was scared, she would say. So, I told her we had already signed up, so she would have to try for a few weeks.
Here's her I'm not sure about this face!
She looks so grown up :(

I think she was only excited cause she got to wear the cute outfit at first. Once there, she jumped right in. Didn't even turn back! She loved it (I knew she would) My girl loves to dance!

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